Body Scanning Clinic

Transform your health with our range of body scans.

About Us

Top-grade Clinicians who care

Our team comprises top-rated clinicians dedicated to a better you. With a wealth of experience and expertise, we are committed to providing personalised care, tailored to your unique health needs.


Your Health Home Base

From basic health checks to full-body M.O.T assessments, our clinic offers a holistic approach to wellness, ensuring you have the information and support you need at every step of your health journey. Take a proactive approach to improving your health today.

Take a step towards a better you

Detect problems before they arise, Protect yourself from future ailments and Empower yourself to Thrive.

With The Body Scan Clinic, every step you take brings you closer to a better, healthier version of you.

Our Results

Every Patient Unique, Every result Tailored.

Every one of our patients is in fact, unique. That’s why we customise our approach to your specific needs, ensuring that every individual result matches a true picture of you, so we can assist in helping you achieve your lifestyle goals, whatever they may be.

Our Clinic

Premium Care in a Serene Setting

Experience the perfect blend of professionalism and comfort at The Body Scan Clinic in Canary Wharf. Our industry-grade facilities provide a welcoming environment where you can feel at ease receiving top-quality care.

Transform Your Health Today.

From our entry-level Active package to our comprehensive Complete package, our general Health MOTs include all the tests you need to take a proactive approach to monitoring and improving your health.